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安全限位开关:limit switch
安全苛求系统:safety-critical system
安装使用方法:derivative right of ac-tion
氨基酸酰胺类:amino acid amide compounds
安全监控装置:safety monitoring device
安全防护距离:security protection distance
安全“链条”:Dumpling poisoning incident
安全监督管理:safety supervision management
氨氮吸附能力:ammonia adsorption capacity
安全监控防护:safety monitors protection
氨水鼓泡吸收:ammonia bubble absorption
安全检查框架:safety check frame
安全木桶模型:safety cask model
阿仑膦酸钠片:Alendronate sodium tablets
安全储藏期限:period of safe storage
安全现状评估:current safety assessment
安全生产政策:work safety policy
安全监理职责:safety supervision responsibility
安全卫生防护:hygiene safety protection
凹凸交变模型:concave convex alternate model(CCAM)
安全监理工作:safety supervision
阿拉斯加管道:Alaska Oil Pipeline
安全管理体制:safety management mechanism
安全技术检验:Safety work examination
安普霉素废水:apramycin wastewater
安全压力余量:safety pressure margins
奥陶系石灰岩:Ordovician limestone
安全商效矿井:safe highly effective mine pit
阿奇霉素废水:azithromycin waste water
安全生产法规:safety production rules
氨基酸叶面肥:amino acid foliar fertilizer
安全生产道德:moral of safety work
螯合物沉淀法:chelate precipitation
安全经济管理:safety economic management
安全生产标准:work safety standard
安全绩效管理:safety performance management
安全管理措施:safety management measures
按序QR分解:sorted QR decomposition(SQRD)
安全管理评价:safety management evaluation
安全等级评价:Safe grade evaluation
安全工程活动:security engineering activity
安全区域网络:security area network
安徽农业科学:Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
安全多方技术:seure multiparty technology
按需光路共享:on-demand lightpath sharing
安全监视系统:safety monitoring system
安全构件建模:safety-component modeling
安全价值识别:Assets distinguish
拗折沉降运动:break-down movement
页码:97261262263264265266267268269270271272273 2742752762772782792808: