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岸滩侵蚀态势:the coast corrosion trend
安全参数显示:Safety Parameter Display
埃奇沃斯模型:Edgeworth model
安全生产措施:safe measures in production
安全跟车模型:safety following distance
安全水垫深度:safe water-cushion depth
安全时程曲线:security monitoring displacement-time curve
艾丁湖斜坡带:slope zone of Aiding lake
安全功能函数:safety performance function
安全文化模型:safety culture model
安全供水对策:countermeasures of safety water supply
安全跟车距离:safe following distance
安全标准体系:security standards architecture
澳门十九世纪:Macau 19th Centu ry
矮化蓖麻品种:dwarfed castor variety
氨基酸螯合盐:amino acid-chelated salt
澳大利亚奶牛:Australian cows
矮化中间砧木:dwarfing inter-stock
安全卫生品质:Safety and sanitation quality
安全卫生质量:Safety and Sanitation Quality
氨基酸代谢率:Amino acids metabolism rate
桉树焦枯病菌:Cylindrocladium quinqueseptatum
氨化玉米秸秆:Ammoniated maize stalk
安化云台山种:Anhua Yun-tai-shan populations
安神降压合剂:AnShenJiangYa mixture
安氏Ⅱ~1类:Class Ⅱ division 1 malocclusion
氨基酸三联体:amino acid triplets
癌症基因治疗:cancer genetherapy
阿尔兹海默症:Alzheimer's disease
安排检定内容:Arrange verification scope
安慰治疗效应:Placebo effect
癌细胞裂解物:Tumor cell lysates
安全切除距离:safe resection distance
阿司匹林软膏:Aspirin ointment
爱国文化运动:Teaching System
安全远端切缘:safe margin of distal clearance
阿片依赖和戒:opioid withdrawal and dependence
癌胚抗原单抗:anti-CEA mAb
癌旁移行粘膜:the transitional mucosa adjacent to the cancer
阿尔泰独尾草:Eremurus altaicus
按对平衡设计:pairwise balanced design
安徽石台地区:Shitai area of Anhui province
安全投资决策:Safety Investment Decision
哀牢山变质带:Ailao Shan metamorphic belt
阿拉善荒漠区:Alashan Desert District
螯合的钙离子:Caged Ca~(2+)
页码:97261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278 2792808: