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弱启动:weak priming
弱跨越:weak crossover
仁爱观:the kindhearted view
人民党:People's Party
融和型:The pattern of amalgamated social work service
乳品业:milk industry
人中像:the figures within images
热河志:History of the Plot Spring
融与析:harmony with nature or demarcated from nature
人环境:Humanism Environments
肉禽类:meat products
人性说:humanity theory
入人罪:Offense of imposing heavier sentences
人物志:Renwu Zhi
日昇昌:Rihengchang Exchange Shop
人之心:the mind of man
认知美:aesthetic judgement
日英语:Japanese & English
人日节:Renri Festiva
弱迁移:the weak migration
人格观:conception of personality
人称指:person deixis
容教论:tolerating Christianity
荣开明:Rong Kaiming
日意格:Prosper Giquel
人文说:the humanities
人本质:Human Nature
柔巴依:Ruba i
热门股:hot issue
人生派:life school
认舅舅:worshipping uncles
任选省:optional ellipsis
认知式:a cognitive approach
弱受端:weak receiving terminal
仁与礼:Ren & Li
软媒介:soft media
人类史:human history
仁术说:Benevolence Skill theory
人德观:viewpoint of morality
弱化式:weak form
人之初:childhood of man
弱权利:weak rights
日期考:verification of the date
融资量:financing amount
人文版:the edition by the People's Literature Publishing House
人事部:the National Personnel Ministry
页码:97121122 1231241251261271281291301311321331341351361371381391408: