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人事院:the National Personnel Council
人哲学:man philosophy
肉蛋类:meat & egg
人命案:homicide case
认同性:acceptance of cognation
人口论:Population Theory
软遏制:soft containment
任务式:task-based mode
认证法:authentication laws
认同说:identify theory
人才培:personnel training
人类观:human concept
认命型:fate receiving
入口关:a pass of entrance
日成本:Cost Everyday
人地观:outlook on human and land
人物诗:character-centered poems
日K线:K chart
软成本:soft cost
软劳动:soft labor
认知派:cognitive school
软瓶颈:soft bottleneck
人生论:the theory of life
蓉渡词:Rongdu Ci collection
日译中:translating Japanese into Chinese
任兆麟:Ren Zhaolin
任选课:freely optional course
让转句:concessive clause
弱纲领:weak creed
入党观:the outlook on joining the Chinese Communist Party
弱文化:weak cultu(
人为德:artificial virtue
仁本观:benevolence-oriented concept
人与物:human and substonce
认证费:authentication fees
热容比:specific heats
如如境:Ruru Imagery
日用境:Daily Life Imagery
融摄性:absor ption
人事权:right of personnel administration
入郑卫:words are popularized in Ci
人化石:Fossil human
溶合句:portmanteau sentence
热源质:heat source material
软霸权:soft hegemony
人学生:University student
页码:97121122123 1241251261271281291301311321331341351361371381391408: