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空气卷吸:air entrainment
空阻作用:steric effect
开路磁系:Open-circuit magnetic system
扩散应力:diffusion-induced stress
空洞连通:void link-up
孔蚀发展:pitting propagation
孔隙边界:Pore border
可水解氯:Hydrolyzable chlorine
控制底臌:control of floor heave
库仑准则:Coulomb criterion
扩展滤波:extended filtering
喹啉抽提:quinoline extraction
空间关联:spatial correlation
孔洞扩展:microvoid propagation
快速结晶:rapid crystallization
快速加载:fast loading
抗冲破坏:impact fracture
卡特拉鱼:Catla catla
空拔减径:Non-plug diameter reducing
空间容量:space capacity
科学位置:Science Significance
开孔卸载:unloading by hole drilling
客观分类:Objective cluster scheme
块裂岩体:joint rock mass
矿内空气:mine air
矿井风网:mine ventilation network
可塑定形:plastic shaping
抗烧结剂:anti-sintering agent
控制油路:oil circuit control
可逆体系:Reversible system
开采平台:production platform
壳聚精膜:Chitosan membrane
科技术语:Scientific Terminology
勘查登记:exploration registration
空间分形:spatial fractal
矿区开发:exploitation of mining areas
扩充内排:Expansion inner spoilbanks
扩散传质:mass transfer
矿块崩落:Block caving
矿泥浮选:slime flotection
开发工程:development engineering
空心电极:hollow electrode
科学思想:scientific thought
控制喷嘴:Control Nozzle
扩氢时间:Dehydrogenizing time
钪的应用:Application of Sc
钪的制取:Preparation of Sc
页码:97261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278 2792808: