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控制轨线:control orbit
矿井电器:mine electrical equipment
空反应器:Empty reactor
空调工程:air conditioning engineering
烤胶废料:waste rubber
矿山规模:Mine scale
控气机理:controlled gas mechanism
快速开裂:Rapid crack propagation
矿物强度:mineral strength
块状组织:massive microstructure
孔系尺寸:The dimension between holes
矿化系列:mineralization series
颗粒脱落:Particle detachment
葵花仁粕:sunflower cake
孔的形态:form of hole
可控渗氮:controlled nitriding
开采程序:mining procedure
矿车压盖:mioring care
昆氏曲面:Coons surface
苦味产生:Bitterness produce
可变光阑:Iris Diaphragm
可逆方向:reversible direction
矿业废物:mine wastes
口感调配:taste flavour
矿床对比:deposit correlation
矿物共生:mineral intergrowth
阔叶木浆:hardwood pulp
矿业纠纷:mining industry dispute
矿业秩序:mining industry order
开放结构:Open architecture
跨采巷道:roadway influenced by overhead mining
可排放硫:emitted ability sulfur
矿石加工:ore processing
跨越结构:Oil pipeline
快速凝结:fast setting
孔洞缺陷:pore defect
矿山年检:Annual Examination to mines
矿床定年:dating of the ore deposits
昆阳磷矿:Kunyang phosphorites
康开特法:CONCAT desulfurization
颗粒细化:grain refinement
苦味酸钠:Sodium picrate
空气温度:air temperature
页码:97261262263264265266267268269270 2712722732742752762772782792808: