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控制效率:Control efficiency
孔洞结构:Pore structure
孔型改进:Groove Improvement
开工周期:on-stream period
快速密闭:rapid sealing
矿井气候:mine climate
快速致密:rapid densification
可可壳酊:Cacao shell tincture
抗胃液性:Gastric resistance
扩散现象:Diffusion phenomenon
坑透探测:wireless wave perspectin tunnel
勘查金矿:prospecting gold
开发状况:Development situation
空间趋势:spatial trend distribution
矿物粉末:mineral powder
矿用绞车:Mine hoist
扩孔钻头:Ream bit
课处活动:extra-curriculum activity
扩压效率:efficiency of pressure expanding
空气爆破:air blasting
块度计算:fragmentation calculation
抗菌水泥:antibacterial Portland cement
扣除算法:deduction arithmetic
抗菌加工:Antibacterial finishing
快速加氢:flash hydrogcnation
糠醇树脂:Furfuralcohol resin
控温发酵:temperature controlled fermentation
奎屯河源:source of Kuitunhe River
孔隙形状:pore shape
开发重点:development emphasis
康氏公式:Gravity Coefficient
开拓储量:development reserves
矿柱流变:Ore pillar
钪配合物:l phenyl-3-methyl-4-benzoyl-pyrazolone 5
开发矿区:Exploited field
卡具设计:design of the clamp
勘查模式:exploration model
矿煤球团:iron ore-coal pellet
可调炉喉:adjustable furnace throat
宽幅板材:Wide sheet
抗飞溅剂:anti-splashinq agent
扩建延深:shaft enlargement and extemsion
矿浆特性:slurry characteristic
可溶态汞:soluble mercury
块体材料:Bulk material
页码:97261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277 2782792808: