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快速剪裁:fast clipping
矿体边界:ore limits
空气周期:air circle
控金构造:gold controlling structure
扩散渗透:diffusion and permeation
开采面积:mining area
开采线路:mining line
可采煤层:mining coal seam
勘探部署:exploration deployment
矿井电网:power system in mines
开采程度:mining degree
开发决策:decision of development
库存模型:stock model
抗环血酸:Ascorbic acid
孔壁切槽:Hole-wall slot
矿柱回收:Pillar recovery
矿相特征:mineral phases
矿藏特点:ore occurrence
科研意识:sense of scientific research
可调喉口:adjustable throat
开采环境:mining environment
块金成因:genesis of scads
跨孔CT:cross hole tomography
可溶硅酸:soluble silicon
凯塞效应:Kaiser Effect
科技强企:science and technology
控水稳油:stabilizing oil production by water control
孔隙网络:porosity network
矿石构造:ore structure
矿石开采:ore mining
快速制样:Rapid Prototyping
扩散分析:Diffusion analysis
快餐模式:snack pattern
勘探程序:Exploration program
抗核辐照:anti-nuclear irradiation
抗酸碱性:anti acid alkali performance
矿物能源:mineral resources
抗铁性能:zinc stability
开卷张力:Open-winding tension
可调夹具:adjustable fixt
宽展预报:breadth spread forecast
快速装夹:fast installation
宽展孔型:Broadsiding groove
控水机制:Mechanism of controlling water transportation
控稳机制:Mechanism of controlling rockmass stability
矿浆粘度:pulp viscosity
空气垫峰:Air Cushion Peak
页码:97261262263264265266267268 2692702712722732742752762772782792808: