主任室:Director,Computer and Information Networking Center
主教座堂学校;圣公会学校:Cathedral school;Episcopal school
主教学校:Bishop's school
主方赛场,自己所属俱乐部的球场:Home link
主动注意:active attention
竹北分部筹备小组:Preparatory Team,Chupei Branch Campus
重叠瓶:Double Pin
重打球格:Rebowl Frame
肿瘤免疫学:Tumor immunology
钟点费:hourly pay
终身证书:life certificate;permanent certificate
终身学习网路教材:the internet teaching materials for lifelong learning
终身任期:life tenure
中英文信息输入技术:Technology of Inputting in English & Chinese
中英文打字与编排:Typing & Editing in English & Chinese
中药新药研究与开发:Study and Exploitation of Traditional Chinese Medicine
中央学校:central school
中途学校{中介安置教育处所}:transition school;middle way school
中途弃权,未回终点:No return
中社建文献选读:Selected Readings of Chinese Socialist Construction Documents
中介安置教育措施:middle way educational placement
中间学校{英};中学{美}:middle school
中级无机化学实验:Experiment on Medium Inorganic Chemistry
中级无机化学及实验:Medium Inorganic Chemistry & Experiment
中级无机化学:intermediate inorganic chemistry
中国新闻事业史:the history of Chinese journalism
中国现代小说流派:Schools of Chinese Contemporary Novel
中国现代文学史:modern Chinese Literature
中国现代文学:contemporary Chinese literature
中国现代史:modern Chinese history
中国税制:China's taxation structure
中国诗话词话研究:Research on Chinese Poetry & Prose
中国美术欣赏:Appreciation of Chicese Art
中国历代诗歌选:Selections of Chinese Poetry
中国经济与社会发展战略:Chinese Economy & Social Development Strategy
中国近现代经济史:History of Recent & Modern Chinese Economy
中国画技巧:Technique of Chinese Painting
中国古典小说选讲:Selected Readings of Classical Chinese Novels
中国古典小说名著选讲:Selected Readings of Famous Classical Chinese Novels
中国古代文学作品选讲:Selected Readings of Ancient Chinese Literary Work
中国古代文学:Chinese ancient literature
中国古代史:Chinese ancient history
中国古代名著欣赏:Appreciation of Famous Ancient Chinese Works
中国古代建筑史:History of Ancient Chinese Architecture