约当产量比例法:the proportion method of equivalent production units
院长:hospital directors
远洋渔船:overseas fishing vessel
远洋拖带合同:contract of ocean towage
远期外汇业务:exchange for forward delivery
远期外汇汇率:forward foreign exchange
远期外汇:future foreign exchange
远期升水:forward premium
远期期货:distant futures
远期票据:long-term bill
远期卖出:sell forward
远期汇票兑换率:forward rate
远期合约:forward contracts
远期合同:forward contracts
远期(经营)业务:forward operation
远景规划:Future plans
远程办公的员工:telecommuting workers
援助性融资:TAF tied aid financing
援助联系的资本项目基金:TACPF tied aid capital projects fund
援藏干部:cadres sent to support/aid Tibet
圆桌会议:round-table conference
圆锯(美作:buzzsaw):circular saw
原值:original value
原帐单,原发票:original invoice
原则法:fundamental law
原物料耗用通常水平:The Common Level of Materials and Supplies Being Used for Production
原物料、商品变质报废或灾害申请书:De-Formation,Scrapping,and Disaster Application Form for Raw Materials and Commodities
原物:original object
原始投资:original capital
原始认股或应募:Subscribe or Underwrite the Registered Stock
原始凭证:source document
原始免赔额:original deductibles
原始汇票:original bill
原始股:initial offerings
原始费率:original rate
原始发行:OI original issue
原始到期期限:original maturity
原始成本和重置成本:original cost and replacement cost
原始成本定率折旧:depreciation by percentage of original cost
原始成本:original cost
原权:original right
原料需求计划:MRP material requirement planning
原价格:O. P. old price
原价;主要成本:prime cost
原规定地价:The Original Decreed Value
原厂委托制造(加工):Original Engineering Manufacturing
原产地保护:protection of original production area