有限合伙企业:limited partnership
有限浮动汇率:limited floating exchange rate
有限(公司):Ltd. limited
有问题交易:QT questioned trade
有望夺金者:a gold medal hopeful
有收益的资产:earning assets
有实际关连之所得:Effectively Connected Income
有识之士:a man of insight
有权代理:authorized agent
有情人终成眷属:Jack shall have Jill,all shall be well.
有期徒刑:set term of imprisonment
有面值债券:Par bonds
有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律:with lofty ideals,integrety,knowledge and a strong sense of discipline
有理,有利,有节:on just grounds,to one's advantage and with restraint;with good reason,with advantage and with restraint
有控制权的股东:controlling shareholder
有拘束的揭示:obligatory disclosure
有价证券平衡理论:portfolio balance theory
有固定期限劳动合同:time labor contract
有个奔头:have something to look forward to;have somehthing to expect
有风险贷款:risky loans
有法可依,有法必依,执法必严,违法必究:There must be laws to go by,the laws must be observed and strictly enforced,and law-breakers must be prosecuted.
有抵押证券:Mortgage-backed security
有抵押债权人委员会:secured creditors' committee
有担保债务:Secured debt
有偿民事法律行为:civil legal act with consideration
有偿调入:transfer-in with compensation
有偿调出:transfer-out with compensation
有表决权的资本:voting capital
有表达权的确优先股:voting preferred stock
有保证的公平对待:Guaranteed fair treatment
有保障的计件工资制:Guaranteed piecework plan
友好城市:Friendship cities
游资存款:hot money deposits
游资:hot money
游乐场过山车:roller coaster
邮资已付有回邮地址的信封:SASE self-addressed stamped envelope
邮政人员:postal clerk
邮政管理局长:Postmaster General
邮局储蓄银行:post office savings bank
邮递协议:Post Office Protocol (POP)
犹他爵士队:Utah Jazz
由原来的西方七国 美国、英国、法国、德国、意大利、加拿大、日本 加俄罗斯的经济组织:G8 Group 8
由于资源不足,必须实施可持续发展战略:We must adopt the strategy of sustainable development owing to the limited resources.