民事审判庭:civil tribunal
民事罚款:civil penalty
民权法:Civil Rights Act
民间资源组组长:Officer-in-Charge Civil Resources Section
民航当局:aviation authority
民航大臣:Minister of Civil Aviation
民工潮:"The Tide of Migrant Laborers"
民防拘留营司令:Commandant CD Detention Barracks
民防纠察组主任:OC CD Provost Unit
民防第一分区:1st CD DIVISION
民法通则:General Principles of Civil Law
民法法律规范:norm of civil law
民采矿:folk mining
灭绝的物种:extinct species
秒;第二;先令:s second;shilling
描述性研究:Descriptive Study
面值;现值:PV par value;present value
面值:face value
面向21世纪的中美建设性伙伴关系:a constructive,strategic partnership between China and the United Stated aimed at the next century
免作拒付证书:NP no protest
免征营业税:Exemption of Business Tax
免予申报销售额之营业人:Exempted from Filing Sales Amounts
免予处罚:exemption from punishment
免于刑事处分:exemption from criminal penalty
免佣基金:No-load fund
免验放行:pass without examination (P.W.E)
免税照:Tax exemption certificate
免税特别储蓄帐户:TESSA Tax Exempt Special Savings Account
免税收入:nontaxable income
免税区:free zone(duty-free)
免税贸易区:tax-free trade zone
免税交易:tax-free transaction
免税港:free port
免税采购:exemption procurement
免收运费定价法:freight-absorption pricing
免扣缴凭单:Ther Withholding Exemption Certificate
免交所得税:F. I. T free of income tax
免服军人劳务之课税:Military Service Exemption
免费送货:free delivery
免费事例:free case no charge for case
免费商品:product sampling
免费电话号码:free call numbers
免费;洗手间:w.c.,W.C. without charge;water closet
免办结算申报:Exemption of Income Tax Filing
密送的副本:b.c. blind copy