技术协议书:technologh transfer
技术委员会的联络:liaison between TCs
技术委员会成员身分:membership of SCs
技术委员会编号:numbering of SCs
技术说明:technique direction
技术勘误表:normative annex
技术活动的新领域:committee stage
技术管理委员会:technical committee
技术更改指令:ECO Engineering Change Order
技术服务车:recovery vehicle
技术法规:Technical Regulation
技术标准:technical standard
技改利息:intrest of technical innovation fund
纪要摘要:brief minutes
计算机照相排版系统:computerized photo typesetting system
计算机工程:computer engineering
计算机辅助测试:computer aided testing
计数器(转数表):Count. Counter
计量室前厕所:original toilet of masuring room
计量室:liquid state gas gager
计量式机油泵:metering oil pump
计量检测车:plant pest control vehicle
计量柜:gauge cabinet
计划生育车:mobile epidemic control vehicle
挤芯:core extrusion
几何级数,等比级数:GP Geometric Progression
集装箱运输货车:long-wheelbase truck
集中润滑系统油压表:cetnralized lubrication pressure indicator
集中喷射:group injection
集中控制电脑存档故障码:HCCM History-CCM-Codes
集中电源供应:CPS Central Power Supply
集成断电器控制模组:IRCM Integral Relay Control Module
集成电路调节器:IC adjuster
棘抓:ratchet pawl
急冷水系统:quench water system
极座标片:polar co-ordinate plate
极限与配合:limiting value
极限侧向加速度试验:limiting lateral acceleration test
极化电流:polarization current
极化电磁式电流表:polarized electromagnetic ammeter
极高光:catch light, drop out
极板活性物质:plate active material
级数制:type size system for manual photo type setting
激励器,激磁机:EX Exciter
激光钻孔装置:LHDS Laser Hole Drilling System
激光式计算机排版:computerized laser phototypesetting