活性噪音控制系统:ANC Active Noise Control System
活性碳罐贮存装置:charcoal canister storage system
活性碳罐电磁阀(EEC):TE Tank Venting
活塞式制动气室:piston brake chamber
活塞式输油泵:piston type fuel supply pump ,piston type fuel feed pump
活塞梢:Piston Pin
活塞裙扩大衬簧:piston skirt expander
活塞环内表面:back of ring
活塞环岸:Piston ring bank
活塞发动机:piston engine
活塞顶部:crown of piston
活塞挡圈:piston stopper
活塞衬环:piston ring expander
活塞标记:piston mark
活动硬顶轿车车身:hardtop -cabriolet body
活动顶篷小客车:CV Convertible
活动车顶操纵件:sliding roof control
活顶跑车车身:roadster body,sports car body
活顶轿车车身:cabriolet body
活顶轿车:convertible car
混合型假人:hybrid dummy
混合式道路列车:double road train
混合气最稀缺火极限:LML Lean Misfire Limit
混合气稀转浓开关:L-R Lean-to-Rich(swich)
混合气控制器:M/C Mixture Control
混合气控制闭角:M/CD Mixture-Control-Dwell
混合气调整螺丝:MAS Mixture Adjust Screw
混合气调节装置:mixture control unit
混合气的空气燃油比:AF Air-Fuel Ratio
混合气:mixture gas
混合集成电路点火装置:HIC Hybrid Integrated Circuit Igniter Unit
混合动力试验车:HTV hybrid test vehicle
混合动力车:Hybrid electric vehicle
混合比控制阀:MCV Mixture Control Valve
惠普服务器:HP server
会议口译:Conference Interpreting
会议报告:meeting document
会车光束倾斜角:dipped beam inclinatin
汇编:assembly language
回转式发动机废气净化装置:REAPS Rotary Engine Anti-Pollution System
回转式发动机定时进气增压系统:TISCS Timed Induction With Super Charge
回转发动机:RE Rotary Engine
回转,回位:Rtrn Return
回油阀部件:fuel return valve assembly
回油泵:oil returning pump
回头压弯模:bending die