激光多普勒测计:LDV Laser Doppler Velocimeter
激磁线圈:field coil
基准轴线:Datum axes
基准中心:reference center
基圆柱面:core cyhnder surbce
基圆导程角:base lead angle
基建库办公:office of civil construction warehouse
基建办公室:civil contruction office
基础标准:basic standard
基础.地基:FDN Foundation
基本真空中断:PVBrk Primary Vacuum Break
基本协议:basic agreement
积木式系统:BBS Building Block System
机油油面警报灯:oil level warnig tell-tall
机油油量报警传感器:oil level warning sensor
机油压力输入:OPRE Oil-Pressure-Input
机油压力开关:oil pressure switch
机油压力警报灯:oil prssure warning tell-tale
机油压力表:lubrication pressure gauge,oil pressure indicator
机油消耗量:Lubricating oil consumption
机油温度:OILT Engine-Oil-Temperature
机油散热器:oil radiator
机油滤网:oil filter screen
机油滤清器警报灯:oil filter tell-tale
机油量液位开关:OSWI Oil-Level-Switch
机油量尺:dip stick
机油量:OILL Oil-Level
机油控制阀:OCV Oil Control Valve
机油空气冷却器:AOC Air Oil Cooler
机油警告灯:LOIL Low-Oil-Light
机油精滤器:secondary oil filter
机油减压器:oil pressure relief valve
机油更间隔时间:ODI Oil Drain Intervals
机油泵出油管:oil pump outlet pipe
机油:lubrication oil
机修车间仓库:warehouse of tool repairing shop
机械阻抗分析系统:mechanical impedance analysis system
机械转向系:manual steering system
机械制动系统:mechanical braking sytem
机械式燃油泵:mechanical fuel pump
机械式燃料喷射:MFI Mechanical Fuel Injection
机械式前轮驱动桥:MFWD Mechanical Front Wheel Drive(axle)
机械式/真空:M/V Mechanical/Vacuum
机械啮合式起动机:mechanically engageddrive starter
机械工程协会(英):IMECHE Instiution of Mechanical Engineers(UK)
机械-电子式点火正时控制装置:MS SYSTEM Mechatro Spark System
机器造型:machine moulding
机具控制台.设备操纵台:FCC Facilities Control Consol