振动灌注桩:vibro cast-in-situ pile
振动打桩机:Vibration-impact Pile Driver
振动打桩:vibrating pile drive
振荡式输送机:oscillation conveyor
振冲置换法:vibro-replacement process
振冲密实法:vibroflotation densification method
阵风效应:gust effect of wind
真正自住买家:genuine home-buyer
真正交易:bona fide transaction
真正按揭:bona fide mortgage
真粘聚力:true cohesion
真实载荷:real load
真空预压法井点:vacuum method wellpoint
真空预压法:vacuum preloading method
真空预荷:vacuum preloading
真空吸垫:vacuum mat
真空脱水装置:vacuum dewatering plant
真空提升设备:vacuum lifting equipment
真空式溢吝:aerated spillway
真空喷涂装置:airless spray unit
真空模板:vacuum form
真空垃圾收集系统:pneumatic waste collection system
真空加热系统:vacuum heating system
真空混凝土:deaerated concrete
真空回气阀;真空卸压阀:vacuum relief valve
真空硅粉罐车:vacuum silica fume tanker
真空供热系统:sub atmospheric heating system
真空度检漏:vacuum degree leak test
真空垫:vacuum spacer
真空处理混凝土:vacuum-processed concrete
真空采样器:vacuum core
珍珠岩混凝土:perlite concrete
珍珠岩灰浆:perlite mortar
针状振捣器:needle vibrator
针状与片状颗粒含量:acicular and flaky grain in aggregate
针形闸门:needle gate
针入度试验:cone penetration test,Vicat needle test
针梁:needle bar
针对某物业的一项权益:charge against a property
蔗渣板:bagasse board,tex
褶皱轴带:axial belt of folding
褶皱混凝土板屋顶:folded plate concrete roof
摺闸;"榄闸":collapsible gate
摺闸:folding gate
折闸:collapsible gate