造型优美:appealing design
造构需要:structural requirements
造工评核:output assessment
造船滑道:building berth
灶头:cooking stove
灶台;" ":cooking bench
澡井顶棚:caisson ceiling
早硬强度:early strength
早强混凝土:early-strength concrete
早期填海工程:advance reclamation works
早期低强水泥:low early strength cement
早餐室:breakfast room
凿岩台车:Drilling jumbo
凿头:chopping bit(churn bit)
凿石锤装修:bush hammer finish
凿石锤:bush hammer
凿孔板:perforated plate
暂准书:letter of toleration
暂准构筑物;暂准搭建物:tolerated structure
暂准更改土地用途费用;短期豁免书收费:temporary waiver fee
暂准不符规定情况:toleration of irregularity
暂住单位:temporary accommodation
暂行迁置方法:pump priming approach
暂行迁置地点:pump priming site
暂行迁置大厦:pump priming block
暂行技术规程:tentative specifications
暂停施工:suspension of works
暂时租用政府土地及楼宇:temporary occupation of government land and buildings
暂时支付:provisional payment
暂时占用土地权:right of temporary occupation of land
暂时用途:temporary use
暂时使用土地:temporary site
暂时的墙洞:wall run
暂拟设施表:initial schedule of accommodation
暂缓执行期(迁出通知书):suspension period [notice to quit]
暂冻土:briefly farozen soil
暂定金额:provisional sums
暂定价:tentative price
暂定工料估价单:provisional rates of quantities
攒尖式屋顶:pavilion roof
在栈架安装:erection on trestle
在斜坡开辟的洞口:pits on slope
在斜坡护面的墙脚栽种植物:toe wall planter
在斜坡的护面髹上颜色:surface colour treatment [slope]
在宪报刊登的游憩用地、公园及游乐场:gazetted open space,park and playground
在外土地业权人:absentee landowner
在途搅拌混合料:transit mixing
在受限制时间内工作:work within restricted hours