p 正则元:p-regular element
p 群:p-group
p 块:p-block
p 进李群:p-adic Lie group
p 进表示:p-adic representation
p 共轭元:p-conjugate element
p 初等群:p-elementary group
n组:n tuple
n重连通域:n tuply connected domain
n重扩张:n fold extension
n元运算:n-ary operation
n元集:a set of n points
n元函数:multivariate functions
n循环群:group of n cycles
n项和:sum to n terms
n维圆盘:n disk
n维行向量:n dimensional row vector
n维球体:solid n sphere
n维球:n_dimensional ball
n维欧几里得空间:n dimensional euclidean space
n维列向量:n dimensional column vector
n维骨架:n dimensional skeleton
n维长方体:n-dimensional cuboid
n维胞腔:n cell
n图:n graph
n通用丛:n universal bundle
n上循环:n cocycle
n上边缘:n coboundary
n色图:n chromatic graph
n人零和对策:n-person zero-sum game
n人合作对策:N-person cooperative countermeasure
n人对策:n-person games
n人常和对策:n-person constant-sum game
n球丛:n sphere bundle
n齐次簇:n homogeneous variety
n连通空间:n connected space
n阶抛物线:parabola of order n
n阶导数:derivative of n th order
n阶乘:n factorial
n角:n gon
n单空间:n-simple space
n次正则图:regular graph of degree n
n次幂运算:n th power operation
n次连续可微函数:n times continuously differentiable function
n次连续可微的:n times continuously differentiable
n次根:n th root
n次多项式:a variable polynomial of degree n
n变数函数符号:function symbol of n arguments