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耳轴轴承:ball socketed bearing
二次加压:secondary water supply
二次设备:secondary equipment
二级触发:two-stage triggering
二交换法:wo-option algorithmi
二级代理:agent relationship at two levels
二次注浆:secondary grouting
二灰碎石:lime-fly ash macadam
二系悬挂:secondary suspension
二级悬河:secondary suspended river
二灰黄土:lime-fly-ash loess
二级蒸煮:Secondary cooking
二端网络:two-terminal network
二阶共振:second-order resonance
二维图样:two-dimensional drawing
二级消能:second class dispersion and diffusion
二次加权:twice-weighted method
二次接口:secondary interface
二期恒载:secondary dead load
二次服务:two-phase service
二次蓄水:second impoundment
二退二享:"two returns and two having"
二维叶栅:two-dimensional cascades
二次稳定:quadratic stability
二外日语:Japanese as second language
二元语义:two-tuple linguistic
二图合一:two maps in one
二次停车:parking twice
二维地形:two-dimension topography
恶意主机:malicious host
二级公路:second-class highway
二重抽样:two phase sampling methods
二衬开裂:lining crack
恶劣工况:atrocious weather
二元共沸:binary azeotrope
二次转换:two times transfer
二维评价:matter element model
二维补偿:two-dimensional compensation
二维形式:2-D foam
额外维度:extra dimension
二次接线:secondary wiring
二叉搜索:dichotomous search
二维场地:2D Site
二维重建:two dimensional rebuilding
二次短网:low voltage short net
二次料场:blending yard
二轴参量:biaxial anisotropy
二阶射线:second rank ray
二阶方程:second order equation
页码:976162636465666768 6970717273747576777879808: