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二星定位:Dual-Satellite location
饵料系数:feed coefficient
额外工作:extra work
二重趋势:dual trend
二次定比:dual proportion
二元模型:dualistic evolutionary model
二次覆盖:double cover
二次估计:quadratic estimate
二次催化:double catalysis
二元相关:bivariate dependence
二次寻优:secondary optimization
二维磁场:2-D magnetic field
二级回火:second annealing
二路供电:two way power supplies
二级升降:two grade of ascend and descend
二维场景:2D virtual environment
二手交易:second-hand transactions
二层地址:L2 address
二次托换:second underpinning
二元颗粒:binary particles
二次防护:secondary protection
二次冶金:Secondary Metallurgy
耳石器官:Otolith organs
二维布局:two-dimensional layout
二部带宽:bisection width
二次压板:secondary pressure plate
二期荷载:secondary loads
二维纹理:2D texture
二模热备:Dual Modular Redundancy(DMR)
二级冲击:the second-class impact
二次混凝:second coagulation
二布一膜:complex geomembrane
二次动作:two movements
二阶逼近:second-order approximation
二衬检测:secondary lining detection
二线海堤:secondary dike
额木尔河:Emuer River
二阶运动:secondary motion
儿童安全:children's Safety
二次抗渗:secondary impermeability
二次找形:second shape finding
二次插值:quadric interpolation
二阶过程:second order processes
二重估计:two-fold estimation
二次导线:secondary wiring
二次失压:secondary voltage Loss
二乘圆心:Least square center
耳蜗铺片:surface preparation
页码:97616263646566676869707172 73747576777879808: