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二段分级时效:two step ageing
二氧化碳埋存:CO2 storage underground
二氧化碳腐蚀:carbon dioxide corrosion
二氧化碳塑料:carbon dioxide-based polymers
二元胶粒晶体:Binary colloidal crystal
二次成型加工:post-forming process
二次正交增力:Two-steps force amplifier
二次脱模机构:two-step ejection mechanism
二次预热技术:double preheating
二元炔化合物:dipropargyl compound
二元四阶模式:two aspects and four stages model
二次纤维特性:secondary fiber characteristics
二冷动态配水:dynamic secondary cooling
二氧六环木素:dioxane lignin
二硫代二乙酸:Dithiodiglycolic acid
二氧化硅颗粒:Silicon Dioxide Particle
儿童益智玩具:fancy toy for children
二氧化碳气驱:carbon dioxide driving
二维地震勘探:2D seismic prospecting
二乙二醇丁醚:diethylene glycol monobutyl ether
二氧化铅阳极:lead dioxide anode
鄂西恩施地区:Enshi of western Hubei
蒽酮一硫酸法:Anthrone-Sulphuric Acid Colrimetry
二级加热器+:Two-stage heater~+
二维网络结构:two-dimensional network
二氧化硫产量:Sulphite formation
鄂尔多斯地块:Ordos block
二体相互作用:Pair interaction
二维超声磨削:ultrasonic grinding
二苄胺化合物:dibenzylimine compound
二价稀土金属:bivalence rare earth
二次残余应力:second residual stresses
二氧化钛载体:titania support
二乙酸纤维素:Cellulose diacetate
蒽酮-硫酸法:anthrone-sulfuric acid method
二次加工脆化:secondary working embrittlement(SWE)
二段磁选工艺:two-stages magnetic separation
二维凝胶电泳:two-dimensional gel electrophoresis
二水合钨酸钠:sodium tungstate dihydrate
二次离子质谱:secondary ion mass spectrometry
二次采动压力:dynamic pressure of secondary working
二次三维采集:the second 3-D acquisition
二维相关分析:two-dimensional correlation analysis
页码:97221222223224225226 2272282292302312322332342352362372382392408: