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二氧化铝阳极:plumbic dioxide electrode
恶臭治理方法:The methods of odour control
二元氧化体系:Dual okidation system
二元分批蒸馏:Binary batch distillation
二氧化硅载体:silica support
二维电子能带:Two-dimentional electronic energy band
二甲基二茂铁:dimethyl ferrocene
二氟苯甲基苯:bis fluorobenzoyl benzene
二体静载磨损:two-body wear
二维金属切削:orthogonal metal cutting
二苯乙醇酮肟:stripping voltammetry
二元混合弱酸:binary mixed weak acids
恶臭标准制定:Odour Standard Making
二次加工产品:Secondary processing product
二维油藏模拟:two-dimensional reservoir simulation
蒽醌酸解废酸:Waste Acid from the Acidolysis Step in Anthraquinone Production
二级对峙反应:second order reverse reaction
二正辛基亚砜:Dioctyl Sulfoxide
二次连续点火:continuous bi-ignition
二醋酯丝织物:diacetate fabric
二轴定距坐标:biaxial spacing coordinate
二维混合模式:two dimensional mixed model
锇的化学行为:Chemical behavior of osmium
二氧化氧气体:Chlorine dioxide gas
二步法水交联:two-step crosslinking by moisture
二氧化琉污染:SO_2 pollution
儿科护理纠纷:Nursing disputes in pediatrics
儿童计划免疫:children planning immunization
二尖瓣成形术:Mitral valvuloplasty
二葛解酒颗粒:Ergejiejiu Granule
二次代谢产物:secondary metabolites
二次酸沉母液:Mother liquor of the second acid sediment
恶性胸腔积液:malignant pleural effusion
二乙酰己二胺:diacetyl hexamethylene diamine(CAHB)
二烯丙基三硫:diallyl trisulfide
二羟丙茶碱片:Diprophylline tablet
恶性胆道梗阻:Malignant biliary obstruction
儿童良性癫痫:Benign childhood epilepsy
儿童口腔医学:pediatric dentistry
儿童清肺糖浆:Ertongqingfei Syrups
儿童口腔临床:Pedodontics clinic
额尔敦乌日勒:Eerduiwu Geriletu
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