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人的因素:human factor
肉的品质:meat quality
弱磁尾矿:tailings from weak-intensity magnetic separation
溶液插层:solution intercalation
熔体输运:melt conveying
肉类制品:Meat products
软件应用:software application
乳山金矿:Rushan gold deposit
乳酸抗性:lactic acid resistance
人才培训:talent training
溶洞环境:environment of the water-eroded cave
溶洞景观:the landscape of the water-eroded cave
乳化效果:emulsifying effectiveness
熔炼浇注:Melting and pouring
柔性加载:flex loading
燃料替代:replacement of fuel
乳滴大小:drop size
人工培养:Artificial culture
热湿耦合:coupled heat and moisture transfer
人机因素:man-machine factor
融合表达:fusion expression
热力脱水:thermal dehydration
入洗能力:the ability of slime water
冗余驱动:Actuation redundancy
热轧中板:hot rolled plate
热法提硝:Glauber's salt making with hot process
绒类织物:velvet fabric
热裂倾向:hot tearing tendency
热拉伸比:hot stretching ratio
溶液化学:solution chemistry
热敏电极:heat-sensor electrodes
融和技术:fusion technology
融化温度:melting temperature
融化焓变:enthalpy of melting
软件配置:software disposal
蠕变强度:creep strength
人工麂皮:Artificial Chamois Leather
热鲜牛肉:heated fresh beef
热水降酸:reducing sour with hot water
熔透熔池:full-penetrated weldpool
燃烧喷嘴:burner nozzle
熔融复合:melt compounding
溶剂设计:solvent engineering
热解缩聚:pyrolysis condensation
人工模拟:Artificial Simulation
弱化爆破:weakening blast
页码:97181182183184185186187188189190 1911921931941951961971981992008: