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热压扩散:hot pressing diffusion
燃烧电厂:coal-fired power plant
刃口设计:design of cutting edge
溶气滤罐:aerated pressure filter
柔软电缆:flexible cable
热工过程:thermal process
乳粉干燥:Milk powder drying
热粘塑性:thermal viscoplasticity
溶出时间:dissolution time
人工智能:artificial intelligent
软陶饰品:polymer clay accoutrement
日蒸发率:daily evaporation rate
刃形检测:edge checking
人工关节:artificial joint
热震理论:hotshock theory
热震试验:thermal shock test
熔速控制:melting speed control
软件框架:software architecture
人造土壤:artificial soil
熔滴形态:droplet shape
熔点特性:melting point property
人工控制:artificial control
热解技术:pyrolysis technology
日查工程:Daily checking engineering
熔池形貌:weld shape
熔解潜热:latent heat of fusion
燃烧残渣:combustion residue
燃速测试:burning rate test
熔融渗硅:liquid silicon infiltration
热学理论:calorifics theory
乳液液膜:emulsion liquid membrane
溶液酶解:in-solution digestion
热力循环:thermodynamic cycles
溶焦再生:coke-dissolution regeneration
软X射线:soft X-ray
溶藻效果:lytic effect
溶液混合:solution blending
燃气互换:gas interchangeability
人为污染:Artificial Pollution
热湿交换:heat and humid exchange
热水示踪:hot water tracer
柔性冲压:Flexible punching
热溶尾渣:Residue of heated dissolution
扰动强度:disturbing times
扰动时间:retention and drainage aids
入井流体:entry well fluid
燃料贮罐:fuel tank
页码:97181182183184185186187188189190191192193194 1951961971981992008: