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人机系统:man-machine system
人为失误:human error
融资瓶颈:financing bottleneck
染整废水:dyeing wastewater
乳胶涂料:latex coatings
刃磨方法:method of dressing
人群分流:crowd decentralization
热岛效应:urban heat island effect
人文生态:human ecology
溶液组成:solution composition
熔融玻璃:molten glass
乳腺肿瘤:breast neoplasms
热液成矿:hydrothermal mineralization
溶液闪蒸:solution flash
蠕变屈曲:creep buckling
热能利用:thermal energy utilization
热水沉积:hydrothermal sediment
认知系统:Cognitive system
溶剂化焓:solvation enthalpy
熔融反应:melt reaction
溶剂反应:solvent reaction
软化模量:Softening Module
乳安合剂:Ru'an mixture
乳腺增生:Hyperplasia of mammary glands
热压封合:Heat sealing
热能中心:energy plant
人造暗礁:artificial rock weathering
乳酸丙酯:propyl lactate
人畜供水:water supply for human and livestock
熔池尺寸:dimension of molten pool
热保护剂:thermal protectants
热镀锌液:hot dip galvanizing melt
日常管理:daily management
热送直轧:hot delivery and direct rolling
人口增长:population growth
热板精轧:hot rolling slab
人工海水:Artificial Seawater
蠕变函数:creep function
人工泪液:artificial tears
热质交换:heat and mass transfer
入射波幅:injected amplitude
热激蛋白:heat shock protein
热激基因:heat shock gene
热电优值:thermoelectric figure of merit
人员素质:personnel quality
熔化工序:remelting process
任意形状:arbitrary shape
热带珊瑚:Tropical coral
人为因子:artificial factors
人工合成:artificial synthesis
页码:97161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179 1808: