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溶剂交替:solvent displacement
任务驱动:task drive
溶胀行为:swelling behavior
溶藻弧菌:Vibrio alginolyticus
人机对话:human-computer conversation
染料配体:dye ligand
乳化燃料:Emulsion fuel
柔软整理:softening finishing
人口均值:Per capita value
溶剂解吸:Dissolvent desorption
乳液润滑:emulsion lubrication
热镀锌层:hot dip galvanized steel
热点温度:hot-spot temperature
热锻模具:Hot-forging die
溶剂抽提:solvent extraction
热泵技术:heat pump technology
熔体单耗:unit melt consumption
燃烧规律:combustion behavior
人文环境:humane environment
柔性调整:flexible regulation
人体特征:body characteristics
熔凝行为:the behavior of melting/solidification process
人工绿洲:artificial oasis
热氧老化:thermal oxidative aging
燃气系统:gas system
热带雨林:tropical rainforest
热解终温:final temperature
溶液缩聚:solution polycondensation
乳液模板:emulsion template
热敏物料:heat-sensitive materials
热压氧化:hot-pressure oxidation
熔滴机理:molten drop mechanism
熔缩工艺:collapsar technic
溶解行为:dissolution behavior
熔覆层数:the number of clad layers
软磁性能:soft magnetic property
热轧钢板:hot rolled steel plate
燃料破碎:fuel crushing
人文关系:human relations
热切功能:hot cutting
热力改性:thermal modification
润湿铺展:wetting and spreading
人地系统:human-earth system
热能储存:thermal energy storage
入料压力:feeding pressure
热钾碱法:hot potassion carbonate
肉类风味:meat flavor
页码:97161162163164165166167168169170 1711721731741751761771781791808: