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热变温器:heat transformer
绕丝容器:wirewound vessels
熔融发泡:melting foaming
入料浓度:feeding density
日本政府:Japanese government
日本民众:Common people of Japan
熔化潜热:Latent heat of fusion
融合技术:Fusing Technology
热烫处理:blanching treatment
热物性能:thermophysical properties
熔渗Cu:molten copper infiltration
软件分析:Software analysis
熔融共混:melt blending
热释放率:heat release rate
热固油墨:heat-set ink
乳化聚合:emulsifying polymerization
熔体净化:melt purification
热反射率:heat reflectance
熔炼机理:smelting mechanism
软岩硐室:soft rock chamber
融资障碍:financing obstacle
热力特性:Thermal characteristics
热处理炉:heat treatment furnace
入口结构:entrance structure
熔化带极:melting strip electrode
溶析结晶:solvating-out crystallization
溶血毒性:hemolytic activity
燃煤过程:coal combustion process
燃烧产物:combustion product
热溶催化:thermally dissolving and catalytic
燃气管线:gas pipeline
溶解分馏:solution fractionation
热安定性:thermal stability
柔性索道:flexible rope way
人际关系:interpersonal relationship
柔性冲击:flexible impact
入侵机制:invasive mechanism
染色疵点:dyeing defect
润滑机理:lubricating mechanism
肉类品质:quality of meat
溶剂极性:solvent polarity
柔性压边:flexible blank holder
柔性堵剂:flexible water shutoff agent
扰动深度:disturbance depth
溶洞单元:vug unit
页码:97161162163164165166167168169 1701711721731741751761771781791808: