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瓯江口海域:Oujiang river estuary
偶数序物种:even-ranked species
欧洲银叶椴:Tilia tomentosa
欧亚种葡萄:Vitis Vinifera L
欧洲栓皮栎:Quercus suber
欧洲猫儿菊:Hypochaeris radicata
欧洲方喙象:Cleonus piger Scopovi
欧鳗黑仔苗:Anguilla anguilla elver
欧洲七叶树:Aesculus hippocastanum L
欧拉型藏羊:Tibetan sheep with Oura type
欧美速生杨:occident mushroom poplar
欧洲山毛榉:Fagus sylvatica
欧式建筑群:European-style buildings
欧林达夏橙:Citrus cv.Olinda
欧洲型黄瓜:European cucumber
欧洲大樱桃:Prunus avium
沤肥浸渍液:compost extract
欧洲水青冈:Fagus sylvatica L
欧洲落叶松:Larix decidua
耦合流方程:Coupled flux equation
欧洲红豆杉:Taxus baccata
欧式六线鱼:Hexagrammos otakii
耦合线天线:coupled wire antennas
偶极子定位:dipole localization
耦合模方程:coupled-mode equations
欧拉弹性体:Euler's elastic
耦合同步法:synchronization via coupling
欧氏自由距:Euclidean free distance
耦合振荡器:coupled oscillators
耦合量子点:coupled quantum dot
耦合锁相环:coupled phase locked loop
耦合互连线:coupled interconnects
耦合带状线:coupled strip-line
偶极板天线:dipole antenna
耦合容许度:coupling tolerance
耦合传热+:Coupled heat transfer+
欧氏权距离:Weighted Euclidean Distance
偶极作用能:dipolar interaction energy
欧姆中心值:ohm contral value
耦合量子阱:coupled quantum wells
耦合性度量:Coupling Metrics
欧-拉系统:Euler-Lagrange systems
耦合模参数:coupling of modes parameters
耦合任务群:coupling task group
偶然失效期:normal life period
页码:9721222324252627282930313233343536 373839408: