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欧共体国家:European Union
欧几里德法:Euclidear alsorithm
偶极子阻塞:Dipole blocking
偶极子阻高:modon blocking high
偶电体模型:Dipol e charged body model
欧拉方程解:the solution of Euler Equation
偶数阶幻方:Even-orderecl magic square
耦合哈密顿:coupled Hamiltonian
欧洲东南部:W. Asia
欧佩克产量:OPEC output
欧亚黄土带:Eurasian loess belt
欧洲哲学史:the History of Western Philosophy
欧盟标准化:EU standardization
耦合平坦度:Coupling flatness
欧洲穆斯林:European Muslims
偶然性习得:incidental acquisition
欧洲新认同:new European identity
欧元国际化:the internationalization of the euro
欧洲外交史:European diplomatic history
欧盟竞争法:EU competition law
欧洲冲突法:European conflicts law
欧盟公司税:corporate income tax of EU
欧洲共同体:European Communities
欧卡兹市场:Ukaz market
欧洲行政法:European Administrative Law
偶然与必然:necessity and contingency
欧盟委员会:European Commission
偶然的个人:contingent individual
欧盟与中国:EU and China
欧文.费雪:Irving Fisher
欧美认知度:popularity in America and Europe
欧洲西半部:the western half of Europe
欧盟基本法:the basic law of the European Union
欧盟特保法:European Union's regulation
欧洲社会党:European Socialist Parties
偶然性逻辑:Logic of contingency
欧盟反倾销:European Union anti-dumping
欧洲高教区:European higher education area
欧化及重构:Europeanism and reconstruction
耦合性思维:coupling thought
欧盟金融业:EU financial service industry
欧盟的启示:experience and inspiration
欧洲锦标赛:European Championship
欧共体改革:institutional reform of EC
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