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欧拉动力学方程:Euler's dynamics equation
欧美大停电事故:blackouts in Europe and the USA
耦合场分割算法:partitioned solution procedures of coupled mechanical systems
耦合系统动力学:coupled system dynamics
欧拉动力学理论:dynamic theory
欧盟新海事政策:new EU maritime policy
欧拉动弯曲问题:Mathieu equation
耦合双转子系统:coupled dual-rotor
欧拉-贝努利梁:Euler-Bernoulli beam
欧拉动屈曲问题:Euler's dynamically bucking problem
欧洲高等教育区:European Higher Education Area
偶氮苯功能材料:Azobenzene functional material
耦合动力学模型:vehicle-track dynamic interaction model
耦合Φ~4映象:coupled Φ~4 maps
偶然性与多变性:accident and variability
偶极相互作用能:dipole-dipole interaction
偶极子模型近似:dipole approximation
欧盟水框架指令:EU Water Framework Directive
耦合有限体积法:coupling finite volume method
欧-Ⅲ排放法规:Emission Regulation Euro-Ⅲ
欧-Ⅲ排放匹配:Euro-Ⅲ Emission Matching
耦合和约束方程:coupling and constraint equation
欧盟的新成员国:new member in EU
耦合稳定性分析:analysis of coupled system's stability
耦合波理论模型:coupled wave theoretical model
耦合B样条模板:coupled B-spline template
欧洲号排放标准:EURO Ⅰ emission standards
耦合有限元方法:coupling finite element method
耦合变阶梯结构:variable step structure between coupling two-step films
耦合压电热弹性:coupled piezothermoelasticity
偶对称神经网络:Dual dynamic neural networks
耦合动特性系数:coupling dynamic coefficients
欧洲经济共同体:the European Economic Community
耦合热弹性力学:coupled thermoelasticity
耦合离散大系统:discrete time interconnected systems
耦连/刚体运动:coupled structure/rigid body motion
偶偶核高自旋态:high-spin states in even-even nuclei
偶极子共振发射:Dipole Resonant Emission
偶极子格网技术:vortex lattice method
欧美研究型大学:research university in the world
欧开牌微粒饲料:micro-partical diet
欧氏距离判别法:euclidean distance criterion
欧洲三倍体山杨:Populus tremulagigas
欧美杨108号:Populus euramericana cv."114/69"
欧氏对盲囊俄虫:contracaecum ogmorhini
偶联因子CF1:coupling factor CF1
欧氏对盲囊线虫:Contracaecum ogmorhini
页码:974142434445464748495051525354555657585960 8: