91 GB/T 9444-1988 铸钢件磁粉探伤及质量评级方法 The methods for magnetic particle testing and for specifying quality levels of steel castings
92 GB/T 9445-1988 无损检测人员技术资格鉴定通则 Rules for qualification and certification of NDT personnel
93 GB/T 10084-1988 振动、冲击数据分析和表示方法 Vibration and shock--methods for analysis and presentation of data
94 GB/T 10201-1988 热处理合理用电导则 Guides for the rationality of electricity usage in heat treatment
95 GB/T 10609.1-1989 技术制图 标题栏 Technical drawings—Title blocks
96 GB/T 10609.2-1989 技术制图 明细栏 Technical drawings—Item lists
97 GB/T 10609.3-1989 技术制图 复制图的折叠方法 Technical drawings—Folding on documents
98 GB/T 10609.4-1989 技术制图 对缩微复制原件的要求 Technical drawings—Requirements for microcopying
99 GB/T 10820-1989 燃煤生活锅炉热效率 Boilers using coal for daily life-thermal efficiency
100 GB/T 10853-1989 机器理论与机构学术语 Terminology for the theory of machines and mechanisms
101 GB/T 11056-1989 锻造生产能源消耗标准 Energy consumption standard in forging production
102 GB/T 11057-1989 离心式、混流式、轴流式水泵运行管理 Operational management of centrifugal, mixed flow and axial pumps
103 GB/T 11334-1989 圆锥公差 Cone tolerance
104 GB/T 11335-1989 未注公差角度的极限偏差 Limit deviations of angle without tolerance indication
105 GB/T 11336-1989 直线度误差检测 Measurement of departures from straightness
106 GB/T 11337-1989 平面度误差检测 Measurement of departures from flatness
107 GB/T 11347-1989 大型旋转机械振动烈度现场测量与评定 Mechanical vibration of large rotating machines with speed range from 10 to 200 r/s—Measurement and evaluation of vibration severity in situ
108 GB/T 11349.1-1989 机械导纳的试验确定 基本定义与传感器 Experimental determination of mechanical mobility—Basic definitions and transducers
109 GB/T 11349.2-1989 机械导纳的试验确定 用激振器作单点激励测量 Experimental determination of mechanical mobility—Measurments using single-point translation excitation with and attached vibration exciter