局部完成:partial completion
局部坍塌:local collapse
局部渗漏:local leakage
局部三角网:local triangulation networks
局部潜堰:partially drowned weir
局部排水系统:local sewerage system
局部排出:local exhaust
局部空气冷却:spot air cooling
局部空调:spot cooling system
局部抗压强度提高系数:improvement factor of part compressive strength
局部开挖:partial excavation
局部竣工证书:partial completion certificate
局部浇注:local caburizing
局部供热装置:space heater
局部封闭:Local Block
局部风化岩层:partially weathered rock
局部变形:local deformation
居住住宅区:residential area
居住暂准证:use and occupation licence
居住性质的市镇:dormitory town
居住条件:living condition
居住使用面积:living area
居住设施:Residential Facilities
居住区组成:community structure
居住区过密:over dwelling
居住面积足够的;有适当居所的:adequately housed
居住面积不足的住户:inadequately housed household
居住面积标准:space standard
居住面积:floor space,living floor area,living space
居住密度:residential density
居住率:occupancy rate
居住空间标准:occupant space requirements
居住净面积:net residential area
居住建筑:residential building
居住房屋:habitation building
居住地带:residential belt
居住单元:living unit
居者有其屋中心(居屋中心):Home Ownership Centre
居者有其屋小组委员会(香港房屋委员会):Home Ownership Committee [Hong Kong Housing Authority]
居者有其屋计划屋苑;居屋苑:Home Ownership Scheme estate
居者有其屋计划基金:Home Ownership Fund
居者有其屋计划(居屋计划)(香港房屋委员会):Home Ownership Scheme [HOS] [Hong Kong Housing Authority]
居者有其屋单位;居屋单位:Home Ownership Scheme flat
居屋与租住公屋互换用途:Home Ownership Scheme/public rental housing transfer
居屋计划抽签系统:Home Ownership Balloting System
居屋第二市场计划:Secondary Market Scheme [Home Ownership Scheme]
居屋大厦:Home Ownership Scheme block
居所资助津贴:Home Financing Allowance