竣工日期;完工日期;落成日期:completion date
竣工楼面;修整过的楼面:finished floor
竣工奖金;完工奖金:bonus for completion
竣工地板标高:finished floor level
竣工的地板:finished flooring
竣工报告:Completion report
竣工;完工:completion of works
浚挖海:dredging of seabed
均匀载荷:uniform loading
均匀系数:coefficient of uniformity
均匀粒径:uniform grading
均匀荷载:uniform load
均匀分布载荷:continuous load
均匀沉陷:uniform settlement
均力绳:compensating rope
均衡照明:proportional illumination
均衡蓄水池:equalizing reservoir
均衡土地用途模式:balanced land use pattern
均衡破坏:disturbance of equilibrium
均衡配筋:balanced reinforcement
均衡矩:balanced moment
均等摩擦法:equal friction method
均布载荷:Uniform load
均布应力:uniform stress
均布活标载标准值:characteristic value of uniformly distributed live load
均布荷载:uniform load
军用房屋土地:defence estate
军用产业:military estate
军事用途:military use
军事用地协议:defence land agreement
军事用地:military site
掘土机;动土机:earth-moving machine
掘路许可证:road opening permit
掘井:shaft excavation
掘沟冲蚀:Gully erosion
绝缘障:insulating barrier
绝缘套圈:insulated ferrule
绝缘墙:insulating wall
绝缘胶;密封剂:sealing compound
绝缘夹套:insulating jacket
绝缘击穿:insulation breakdown
绝缘混凝土:insulating concrete
绝缘护套:isolation and sheathing of cables
绝缘护片:insulating shield
绝缘测试:insulation test
绝缘玻璃垫块:insulating glass unit
绝热装配式墙板:energy efficient precast wall panel
绝热指数:adiabatic exponent