开启分送:open distribution
开路导线:open traverse
开裂力矩:cracking moment
开裂极限状态:cracking limit state
开裂后强度:post cracking strength
开裂的极限状态:limit crack growth
开口榫眼:open mortise
开口式通气罩:open hood
开口沈箱:Open caisson
开口断面:open section
开孔器:hole digger
开河桥:bascule bridge
开合式活动吊桥:bascule bridge
开光典礼:consecration ceremony
开工通知:notice to commence
开工日期:date of starting work
开工令:order to commence
开缝铺板法:open boarding
开放式走廊及楼梯:open corridor and staircase
开发许可申请:Development Permit
开底运泥船:bottom-dump barge
开敞式停车建筑物:open deck car park
开敞式摊档:open-type kiosk
开敞式气窗:operable transom
开敞式露台:open balcony
开敞式空格;开敞式架间:open bay
开敞式窗洞:opening light
开敞布置:open plan
开叉钉:Bifurcated rivet
开表:opening of bids
开闭式间壁:operable partition
卡萨格兰德液限仪:casagrande liquid limit apparatus
卡萨格兰德土壤分类法:casagrande's soil classification
卡萨格兰德孔隙压力测头:casagrande dot
卡路里(热量单位):calorie (cal)
卡尔逊式渗压计:Carlson-type piezometer
卡尔森应力计:carlson stress meter
卡尔森氏应力计:carlson type strain meter
竣工证明书;完工证明书:certificate of completion
竣工拖期:delay in completion
竣工图;完工图;竣工图则:as-constructed drawing
竣工图;竣工图则;楼宇建成后的修订图则:as-built drawing
竣工时间的延长:extension of time for completion
竣工时间;完工时间;竣工期限:time of completion
竣工时间:time for completion