树脂浇铸体性能试验方法总则:The generals of test methods for properties of resin casting body
树脂浇铸体弯曲性能试验方法:Test method for flexural properties of resin casting body
树脂浇铸体拉伸性能试验方法:Test method for tensile properties of resin casting body
树脂浇铸体冲击试验方法:Test method for impact resistance of resin casting body
树屋:tree house
束缚条件:bound condition
束缚层:binding layer
熟食中心:cooked food centre
熟食档位:cooked food stall
熟石粉:Lime Powder
赎回契据:deed of reassignment
赎回楼宇:property redemption
输送压力水头:delivery pressure head
输送管桥:pipe bridge
输送电力:transmission of electricity
输送代:conveyor belt
输水设施:water transfer facility
输水建筑物:water conveyance structure
输水喉管:water-carrying pipe
输水管改移工程:watermain diversion works
输水管道:water pipeline
输入填料:imported fill
输气渗透仪:Air-entry permeameter
输气管道工程装备:gas pipeline construction rig
输电线塔:electric power pylon
输电线;高压电线:power line
输变电及配电辅助设备:transmission and distribution accessories
舒适条件:comfort condition
舒适空气:comfort air
舒适度图:comfort chart
疏松摊铺混凝土:loosely spread concrete
疏松的碎石:loose rock
疏松充填绝缘:loose insulation
疏松材料:porous material
疏水石:drainage aggregate
疏水孔(挡土墙):weep hole [retaining wall]
疏铺石板:open slating
疏浚物料:desilting material
疏洪渠:flood channel
梳式排水渠;鱼骨式排水渠:herringbone drain
梳打粉:Soda Powder
枢轴铰链:loose pin hinge
纾缓环境挤迫情况:relief of overcrowding
书堆构造:bookhouse fabric
书报费:subsidy for reading