实土方:bank measure
实体装卸堤:solid quay wall
实体式楼板:solid floor
实体设计方法:physical design method
实体墙:solid wall
实体基础:equivalent foundation
实体混凝土码头:solid concrete pier
实体筏基:solid raft
实体潮汐模型:physical tidal model
实体测定法:bady measurement method
实体板状楼板:solid panel floor
实时多任务系统:real-time multi-task system
实施的形象进度:progress of implementation
实际指定出售大厦:positive designation of blocks
实际丈量:physical measurement
实际造价:actual building cost
实际小方块强度:works cube strength
实际限制:physical constraint
实际使用地界:physical occupational boundary
实际人口容额:net capacity in person space
实际强度:real strength
实际量度:physical measurement
实际竣工日期:date of substantial completion
实际竣工;实际完工:practical completion
实际接受贷款的比率(自置居所贷款计划);入住率:take-up rate
实际建筑期限:actual construction time
实际地积比率:actual plot ratio
实际大小:actual size
实际成本租金:actual cost rent
实际布置图:physical layout
实腹式钢柱:solid―web steel column
实腹梁:solid-web beams
实地试验;工地试验:site trial
实地视察;巡视地盘:site visit
实地视察;实地检查:site inspection
实地量度:field measurement
实地勘察;实地测量:field survey
实地勘测:spot reconnaissance
实地调查;现场调查:on-site inspection
实地测试;现场测试:on-site test
实地测试;工地测试:field testing
实地测量:Field measurements
实测图:measured drawing
时租停车场:hourly car park
时速限制:speed limit
时深图:Time-depth graph
时深换算法:Time-depth chart
时均压力计:time average pressure cell