湿气温度:wet-bulb temperature
湿气室:moist room
湿喷砼生产:shotcrete wet-mix process
湿磨矿渣硅酸盐水泥:trief cement
湿敏开关:humidity sensitive switch
湿介碟:Wet-Cutting Saw Blade
湿灰浆:wet mortar
湿度控制设备:humidity control equipment
湿度调节器:temperature regulator
湿单位重:Wet unit weight
湿拌喷射水泥灰浆:wet mix shotcrete
施加预应力装置:device for prestressing
施加预应力支座:stressing abutments
施加荷载:load application
施工作业计划:ope ration plan
施工总则:general conditions of construction
施工总平面图:overall construction plan,construction general layout,Overall construction site plan
施工准备计划:preparatory plan
施工准备:construction preparation
施工中项目:project under construction
施工中的建筑物:structure under construction
施工执照:license of construction
施工预算:construction budget
施工用升降机:builder' s lift
施工用道路:construction road
施工营业执照:builder's licence
施工营地:construction encampment
施工依据:manufacture bases
施工验收技术规范:technical code for work and acceptance
施工效率:construction efficiency
施工项目编号:construction item reference number
施工详图;施工图则:working drawing
施工详图:working drawings
施工图设计阶段:construction documents design phase;construction
施工图设计:construction drawing design
施工图;制件详图:shop drawing
施工同意书;"工纸":Consent on Commencement of Building Works
施工通知;工程令;施工令:works order
施工通路:construction access
施工台架:builder's staging
施工说明书:general description of construction
施工说明:application explanation
施工容许误差:construction tolerances
施工日志:builder's diary
施工日期;动工日期:commencement date
施工人员升降机:personnel job hoist
施工缺陷:construction defect