1)  fluorescence quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction
SYBR Green I荧光定量RT-PCR
In this study, SYBR Green I fluorescence quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and radioimmunoassay (RIA) methods were used to investigate the effects of exogenous estradiol-17β (E2) on pituitary-thyroid axis of Carassius auratus.
运用SYBR Green I荧光定量RT-PCR方法和放射免疫方法(RIA)分析了外源性雌二醇(estradiol-17β,E2)对异育银鲫脑垂体-甲状腺轴的影响。
2)  SYBR Green Ⅰ
SYBR Green Ⅰ
Quantitation of Simian Immunodeficiency Virus(SIV) proviral DNA Load Using Real-time Quantitative PCR with SYBR Green Ⅰ;
SYBR Green Ⅰ实时荧光定量PCR法测定猴免疫缺陷病毒(SIV)前病毒DNA拷贝数方法的建立
Development and Application of SYBR Green Ⅰ Q-RT-PCR Technology for theQuantification of hMAM mRNA in Breast Tissues;
SYBR Green Ⅰ实时定量逆转录PCR方法的建立及检测乳腺组织hMAM mRNA的表达水平
3)  Sybr GreenⅠ
Sybr GreenⅠ
Quantification of DNA by improved SYBR greenⅠ RQ-PCR;
SYBR greenⅠRQ-PCR定量检测DNA方法的改良与建立
Development of a SYBR GreenⅠ Real-time RT-PCR assay for detection of canine distemper virus;
SYBR GreenⅠ荧光定量RT-PCR检测犬瘟热病毒方法的建立及应用
Development of a SYBR GreenⅠ real-time PCR assay for the detection of aviadenovirus groupⅠ;
Ⅰ群禽腺病毒SYBR GreenⅠ荧光PCR检测方法的建立
4)  SYBR green Ⅰ
SYBR greenⅠ
A rapid and sensitive Real-time PCR assay coupled with SYBR Green Ⅰchemistry was developed for the quantitative detection of Turbot reddish body iridovirus (TRBIV) isolated from farmed turbot (Scophthalmus maximus).
研究利用TRBIV主要衣壳蛋白基因序列设计的1对引物,结合内嵌式核酸染料SYBR GreenⅠ,建立了TRBIV特异的Real-timePCR检测方法。
5)  SYBR GreenⅠ
SYBR Green Ⅰ
Establishment of SYBR GreenⅠReal-Time Fluorescent Quantitative PCR for Detection of Duck Plague Virus;
SYBR Green Ⅰ实时定量PCR快速检测鸭瘟病毒的研究
6)  SYBR Green
SYBR Green
Rapid identification of Bactrocera latifrons by real-time PCR using SYBR Green chemistry;
SYBR Green实时荧光PCR快速鉴定辣椒实蝇
Development of a Real-Time PCR Assay for Detection and Quantitation of Chlamydia Using SYBR Green and the Light Cycler;
利用SYBR Green检测衣原体Real-Time PCR方法的建立
AIM:To establish a reliable SYBR Green real time PCR method for detecting the effect of 17-AAG on the expression of genes in human RPE cell.
目的:通过检测17-AAG对人RPE细胞不同处理条件下mRNA的SYBR Green实时PCR方法,观察17-AAG对人RPE细胞中PDGFR和EGFR基因表达的调控。
补充资料:Green Barriers
绿色壁垒(Green Barriers)是指一国以保护有限资源、生态环境和人类健康为名,通过制定苛刻的环境保护标准,来限制国外产品的进口。绿色壁垒的内容较为广泛,主要有: (一)%26#8220;环境标志%26#8221;形式的绿色壁垒 (二)绿色环保标准形式的绿色壁垒 (三)%26#8220;环保包装%26#8221;形式的绿色壁垒 (四)绿色卫生检验检疫形式的绿色壁垒 (五)绿色补贴制度