Diplomacy intensifies ahead of Nov. 7-8 Iran nuclear talks
2013-11-01 (Xinhua)   2013-11-01 10:46:34

BEIJING, Nov. 1 (Xinhuanet) -- Iran has concluded an expert-level meeting with the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany over Tehran’s disputed nuclear activities.

The talks come as both sides prepare for the next round of political negotiations on November 7th to 8th. It is the latest in a string of meetings over the last month, as the two sides step up diplomatic efforts to try to end the decade-old dispute.

Western diplomats say the talks at the UN complex in Vienna could help define any preliminary agreement on scaling back Iran’s uranium enrichment in return for an easing of sanctions. The priority demand of the P5 plus one is for Iran to stop its 20 percent uranium enrichment.

Iran has signaled it may be willing to discuss suspending this higher-level enrichment if the West lifts painful sanctions on its oil and banking industries...something Western governments do not want to do as a first step.

(Source: CNTV.cn)

Editor: Shen Qing
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