Abbott likely to win, economy at crossroads
2013-09-07 (Xinhua)   2013-09-07 11:04:46

BEIJING, Sept. 7 (Xinhuanet) -- If the current frontrunner wins -- coalition leader Tony Abbott will become the new Australian prime minister, at a time of great transition for the Australian economy--and as Cheng Lei reports, China plays an important part in that process.

Gillard. Rudd. Maybe Abbott. That would be three Aussie prime ministers in four months. Now there’s finally political certainty--it should get businesses spending again. Another plus, the Australian economy is in decent shape, according to former Australian ambassador to China, Geoff Raby.

This is one of six delegations to China by the mining-heavy western Australian government this year --while mining investment is still holding up, growth from other areas are more important than ever.

Australia--rocks and crops, increasingly, Chengdu, infrastructure, architecture--service experts.

Australia’s top service export -- is education--China is the largest source of overseas students to Australia. Ed Smith, founder and CEO of the Australia China alumni association, says universities are becoming more China-savvy.

At the moment we’re seeing a lot more activity, a lot of VC’s, professors.

Be it trade, investment, students or tourists -- China--remains the greatest economic card for the Australian government -- whoever’s in the top seat.

(Source: CNTV.cn)


Editor: Bi Mingxin
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