China set for political season
2013-03-03 (Xinhua)   2013-03-03 09:37:05

BEIJING, March 3 (Xinhuanet) -- The first session of the 12th National Committee of CPPCC, China's top political advisor body, kicks off on Sunday. Ahead of the session, a press conference was given this afternoon by the CPPCC. New CPPCC spokesman, Lyu Xinhua, spoke about the agenda for this year’s discussions.

China is gearing up for its annual political season.

At Saturday’s news conference, CPPCC spokesman Lyu Xinhua announced that the first session of the 12th National Committee will convene at 3 pm on Sunday, March 3rd, and conclude on March 12th.

Lyu said the Standing Committee of the 11th CPPCC National Committee had elected the new members of the 12th National Committee. And the structure reflects the needs of the new environment.

Lyu Xinhua, CPPCC spokesman, said:"The 12th CPPCC National Committee has a balanced membership structure. CPC members account for 39.9 percent, and non-CPC members account for 60.1%. Women account for 17.8 percent, higher than the 11th national committee. All of China’s 56 ethnic groups have representatives."

Lyu said that by noon on Saturday, 2153 members had registered at the secretariat, and 840 proposals had been received.

He added that the Communist Party of China’s new leadership has shown a "new management style" since taking office in November, winning much public praise. Lyu said the 12th CPPCC National Committee will follow suit, and also change its working style, in order to better serve ordinary people.

Lyu Xinhua said:"Many CPPCC members think changing our working practices should be the first step. We hope to better serve the people, especially in dealing with issues such as education, medical care, employment, and taking care of the elderly."

Lyu also says the primary function of the CPPCC is political consultation and that the CPPCC will continue to push forward the construction of consultative democracy, and consultative platform innovation.

(Source: CNTV.cn)

Editor: Tang Danlu
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