Premier Li: China committed to opening-up

Opening-up is a basic State policy for China, and no matter how the external situation may evolve, the country will stay firmly committed to pursuing the policy, said Chinese Premier Li Qiang at a news conference on Monday after the 14th National People's Congress, China's top legislature, closed the first session.

China will align with high-standard international economic and trade rules and further expand opening-up this year, he said, adding the country will only open itself wider to the rest of the world and provide better business environment and services. "An open China, and a China that is in the constant process of development, welcomes all to invest and develop," he said.

The premier said as far as he know, most foreign enterprises are still optimistic about their development prospects in China.

China's actual use of foreign capital hit a historic new high last year to more than $189 billion, which was $50 billion higher than that of three years ago or before the pandemic, demonstrating that China remains a very popular destination for foreign investments in the world, he said.

In particular, he mentioned the China International Import Expo, and said that it is a major step taken by China to open its market to and share its development opportunities with the rest of the world.

The annual event has been held successively for five years in a row in Shanghai, even during the pandemic. And Li has attended all the five editions of the CIIE.

He said over 2,800 enterprises from 127 countries and regions attended the expo last year and the total exhibition space was more than 350,000 square meters.

"The holding of the CIIE fully proves that an open and huge Chinese market provides huge opportunities for enterprises around the world," Li said.


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