Tsinghua-admitted student from humble family persistent in academic journey
Shan Xiaolong at Tsinghua University. [Photo/Official Wechat account of Tsinghua University]

A student from a humble background who once worked odd jobs on construction sites to relieve his family from burdens has undergone a remarkable transformation through admission and education at China's top Tsinghua University.

Six years ago, Shan Xiaolong's admission to Tsinghua University caused a sensation, highlighting the stark contrast between his construction site job and his success in the national college entrance exam, the gaokao. He was admitted to the university's Department of Electronic Engineering with a score of 676.

On June 30, Shan was among 3,500 undergraduate students attending the commencement of the class of 2024. After graduating, he will continue his studies in the department, exploring the mysteries of artificial intelligence in his master's research.

Shan was born in 2000 into a farmer's family in Xiji county, Guyuan, Northwest China's Ningxia Hui autonomous region. His father, once a laborer, suffered a back injury that prevented him from continuing heavy work. His mother has been dealing with an eye disease for many years.

Shan Xiaolong took up a temporary construction job during summer vacation after his gaokao in 2018. [Screenshot from CCTV]

To support his family and fund his education, Shan took up a temporary construction job during summer vacation after his gaokao, earning a daily wage of 200 yuan ($27.5). Government student loans and charitable funds were also in place to assist his studies.

At Tsinghua, Shan transitioned from a "construction site boy" to a regular student, immersing himself in his studies. "Coming to Tsinghua, I hope to contribute more to the country, engage in cutting-edge research, and truly make a practical impact on the people," he said.

Inspired by a lecture from Major General Zhu Fengrong, a 1966 Tsinghua alumnus, Shan realized the importance of contributing to the nation and society. This reflection led him to join the People's Liberation Army Navy during his junior year, seeking a new environment to deepen his understanding and growth.

Shan Xiaolong serves the army. [Photo/Official Wechat account of Tsinghua University]

After completing his military service and returning to Tsinghua, Shan served as a counselor for the school's Student Affairs Office, focusing on supporting students from similar backgrounds. He encouraged them to seize opportunities and pursue their dreams. He also once organized a public welfare classroom in his hometown, offering free tutoring for students from economically disadvantaged families.

"At Tsinghua, I have seen a larger world than I had ever imagined before," said Shan in a thanks letter to a scholarship provider. During college, he participated in overseas exchanges and astronomical research projects, igniting his passion for exploring the frontiers of technology.

Thanks to government support programs and various scholarships, Shan's family has been lifted out of poverty and Shan no longer worries about living expenses and tuition fees.

Once a student sensitive and insecure about his background, Shan is now confident and driven, embodying the spirit of perseverance and dedication.

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