塔玛多德:Dharma Dodey
塔拉珠高山咖啡:Tarrazu Coffee
塔博古堡:Chateau Talbot
他醉了:He's drunk
他走了:He is gone
他知道怎么去那个小岛:How to get at that little island is at his fingertips
他责备道:"不要把责任推卸到别人身上":He gave me a piece of mind,"Don't shift responsibility onto others"
他有点失常:He got a little wild
他用意何在?:What's he driving at?
他永远不会原谅你的:He'll never forgive you
他已做好清晨出发的一切准备:He is all set for an early morning start
他一定病了:He must be ill
他痛的利害:He is terrible pain
他死于事故:He died in accident
他死了27次了:He's died 27 times
他死了:He's dead
他受苦太多太长了:He suffered too much,too long
他是一个漂亮的男孩:He is a good-looking bay
他是我相信的人:He is a man I trust
他是我家的朋友:He is a friend of our family
他是含着金钥匙出生的:He is born with a silver in one's mouth
他是个不折不扣的帅哥。:He's a real lady-killer.
他使我想起来了那件事:He remind me that
他确实是一个很英俊的年青人:He is really a fine-looking young man
他们鼓足了干劲:They went all out
他空:Shentong Yogacara
他见鬼去吧:He can go to hell
他很敏感:He is sensitive
他很快就自由了:He'll be free soon
他很不安:He is quiet upset
他害怕竞争:He is afraid of challenge
他给了我个不是机会的机会:He gave me the choice which was no choice
他对你很重要:He is important to you
他的死与你无关:His death is nothing to do with you
他的脉搏还跳动;他还活着:He has pulse
他的案情很有利,我能给他打赢:His case is strong,I can win it
他被杀了:He's got killed
他被击到在地:He is beaten to the ground by a blow
锁链车:chain stitch machine
索菲特:Sofitel Hyland
所有这一切都同时发生:All happened in same time
所需喷到密度:required delivered density