自行车链条:bicycle chain
自行车链轮曲柄:bicycle chainwheel and crank
自行车及轻便摩托车轮胎工厂成套设备:complete equipment for the manufacture of bicycle and light motor cycle tires and tubes
自行车及零件:bicycle and spare parts
自行车功量仪:bicycle ergomotor
自行车钢珠:bicycle steel ball
自行车钢圈:bicycle rim
自行车辐条:bicycle spoke
自行车风力增速器:bicycle wind accelerator
自行车飞轮:bicycle freewheel
自行车底架:bicycle bottom bracket
自行车灯:bicycle lamp,cycle lamp
自行车挡泥板:bicycle mudguard
自行车打气筒:bicycle pump,bike pump
自行车传动齿轮:gear for cycle
自行车车胎:bike tire
自行车车轮闸:bicycle hub brake
自行车车铃:bicycle bell
自行车车把:bicycle handlebar
自行车保险叉:bicycle safety fork
自行车扳手:bicycle wrench
自行车把套:bicycle handle grip
自卸载重车:self-discharging truck
自卸式混凝土装运车:automatic dumping type concrete truck
自卸工程车:dumping engineering truck
自卸翻斗车:dumper truck
自卸吊车:clamshell car
自歇检波器:self-quenched detector
自相关型辐射计:autocorrelation type radiometer
自相关声码器:autocorrelation vocoder
自相关接收器:autocorrelation receiver
自洗式钻头:self-cleaning bit
自洗式过滤器:self-washing filter
自席显示电键:home display key
自熄性不饱和聚酯树脂:self-extinguishing unsaturated polyester resin
自熄纤维:self-ex-tinguish fiber
自吸水泵:self-sucked pump
自吸收式可燃气检测仪:auto-absorption type combustible gas detector
自吸式离心油泵:self-priming centrifugal oil pump
自吸式空气预混合燃烧器:air inspirated premix burner
自吸式货油泵:self-priming cargo oil pump
自吸泵:Self-priming pump
自推进运输车:self-propelled carriage
自推进式联合收割机:self-propelled combine harvester
自添油漆滚轴:self-feed roller paint applicator
自体血回输器:equipment of intraoperative autotransfusion of self blood
自锁模钛-蓝宝石激光器:self-mode-locked Ti sapphire laser