组合丝锥:combination tap
组合适配器:modular adapter
组合式闸阀研磨机:combined sluice valve grinder
组合式音频分析仪:audio system analyzer
组合式铝电解电容器:combination Al electrolytic capacitor
组合式冷库:Built-up refrigeratory
组合式空调器:packaged air conditioner
组合式精密铺路机:modular precision slipform paver
组合式活动冷库:movable modular cold storage
组合式个人携行具:combined individual load carrying equipment
组合式磁力夹具:combinated magnetic jig
组合砂轮:combination wheel
组合沙发:combination sofa
组合曲柄:build-up crank
组合墙模板:assembly wall form
组合螺丝刀:combination screw driver
组合拉刀:built up broach
组合晶体检波器:combination crystal detector
组合桁架梁:combination truss beam
组合焊条:composite electrode
组合电缆:combination cable
组合电池:pack battery
组合地毯:carpet square,carpet tile
组合错齿槽铣刀:interlocking milling cutter
组合冲模:The combination washes the mold
组合背齿轮:fraction back gear
组合板大梁:flitch girder
组合板:composite slabs
组氨酸盐酸盐:histidine hydrochloride
阻燃整理织物:flame retardant finish fabric
阻燃型彩色聚酯胶带:fire-retardant and color polyester tape
阻燃纤维板:flame retardant fibre board
阻燃纤维:flame retardant fiber
阻燃人造丝:flame retardant rayon
阻燃聚醚:flame retarding polyether
阻燃聚氨酯:flame retarded polyurethane materials
阻燃浸渍纸:fire-retardant dipped paper
阻燃滑润剂:flame retardant lubricant
阻燃灌封胶:fire-proof potting compound
阻燃电缆:fire retardant cable
阻燃醋酯纤维:sayfr acetate
阻燃布:flame retardant fabric
阻气单向阀:choker check valve
阻尼陀螺:damping gyro
阻尼涂料:damping coatings
阻尼天平:damping balance
阻尼升压二极管:diode used for damping and voltage-raising
阻尼片:damp tab