澳洲国民银行:National Australia Bank,Limited
澳门元:Macao dollar
暗盘市场;灰市;暗市:grey market
暗盘交易:grey market trading
按照市值计算差额:mark to market
按月计:monthly rated
按营业额征收的税项;营业税:turnover tax
按要求随时支付的款项:money payable on demand
按薪级中点估计的年薪开支:notional annual salary cost at mid-point
按市价计算的本地生产总值:gross domestic product at market price
按生产要素成本计算的本地生产总值:gross domestic product at factor cost
按人口平均计算的货币收入:money income per capita
按人口平均计算的本地生产总值:gross domestic product per capita
按量评估的税项:duty assessed on a specific basis
按揭证券化:mortgage stock certificate to turn
按揭条件违约保证:mortgage default guarantee
按揭条件;抵押条件:mortgage terms
按揭契据;抵押契据:mortgage deed
按揭利息免税计划:mortgage interest relief scheme
按揭利息津贴计划:mortgage interest subsidy scheme
按揭利息:mortgage interest
按揭利率:mortgage rate
按揭借款;抵押借款:mortgage facility
按揭抵押:mortgage security
按揭贷款安排:mortgage arrangement
按揭贷款;抵押融资:mortgage finance
按揭贷款;抵押贷款:mortgage loan
按揭财产:mortgaged property
按季业务统计:Quarterly Business Survey
按规定须存放的保证金数额:amount of margin required to be deposited
按固定(一九八零年)市价计算的本地生产总值:gross domestic product at constant (1980) market price
按工业类别计算的本地生产总值:gross domestic product by industrial sector
按付款当日价格计算的等值款额:money of the day equivalent
按服务分类的预算开支:estimated expenditure by service
按比例减征物业税:proportionate reduction of property tax
按比例分摊计算办法:method of apportionment on a pro rata basis
安新私人银行有限公司:D.A.H. Private Bank Limited
安田信托银行:Yasuda Trust & Banking Co. Ltd.
安田信托亚太有限公司:Yasuda Trust Asia Pacific Limited
安泰授信有限公司:Edward Wong Credit Limited
安全投资转移:Flight to Quality
安静申请:Quiet Filing
阿姆斯特丹联合结算所有限公司:Associate Clearing Housing Amsterdam
T+2结算制度:T+2 rule
Russell 2000指数:Russell 2000 Index
N.V.荷兰银行:ABN AMRO Bank