本地银行付款令票:native bank order
本地信贷膨胀:domestic credit expansion
本地通胀压力:local inflationary pressure
本地通胀:local inflation
本地生产总值平减物价指数:gross domestic product deflator
本地生产总值临时估计数字:provisional estimate of gross domestic product
本地生产总值开支:expenditure on the gross domestic product
本地生产总值的最后估计:final estimate of gross domestic product
本地生产总值的组成部分:gross domestic product component
本地生产总值的初步估计:preliminary estimate of gross domestic product
本地内部需求平减物价指数:domestic demand deflator
本地内部需求;国内需求:domestic demand
本地伦敦金市:Loco-London gold market
本地居民生产总值;国民生产总值:gross national product
本地价格资本形成总额:gross domestic price capital formation
本地加工价值成分:local value-added content
本地货币供应量;国内货币供应:domestic money supply
本地固定资本形成总额:gross domestic fixed capital formation
本地负债:domestic liabilities
本地分行:local branch
本地贷款;在本港使用的贷款:domestic lending
本地代表办事处:local representative office
本地成本:local cost
本地产品出口总额:overall domestic export
本地产品出口增长率:growth rate of domestic export
本地产品出口;国内出口:domestic export
本地产量:local production
被诈骗的投资者:defrauded investor
被动投资:passive investment
倍数作用;乘数效应:multiplier effect
倍数压缩:Multiple Compression
背对背合约:back-to-back contract
背对背贷款:Back-to-Back Loan
备用后偿贷款融通:standby subordinated loan facility
备用贷款:standby facility
备考盈利:Pro Forma Earnings
备考、模拟:Pro Forma
备付税项:provision for taxation
备查账户;备忘帐项:memorandum account
北日本财务(香港)有限公司:Michinoku Finance (Hong Kong) Limited
暴泻:nose dive
报税表:tax return
报价差额:quotation spread
报价板:quotation board
报价;价格发布:price dissemination
报酬递减规律;报酬递减法则:law of diminishing return
报酬递减;收益递减:diminishing return
保证退保现金价值:guaranteed surrender value