预见性盈利:Forward Looking Earnings
预计每年租值:estimated annual rental
预付开支:prepaid expenses
预付风险:Prepayment Risk
预防双重征税:prevention of double duty
预定的违约金:Liquidated Damages
预测数字:forecast figure
预测趋势增长率:forecast trend growth rate
预测年度:forecast year
与指定计划有关的借款:project-linked borrowing
与职员有关的费用;与员工有关连的开支:staff-related expenses
与投资有关的人寿保险及集资退休基金委员会(证券及期货事务监察委员会):Investment-linked Assurance and Pooled Retirement Funds Committee
与股权联系的合约:equity-related contract
与财产相连的利益:property-linked benefit
与本港经济最有关系的西欧国家:Western European economies of greatest reference to Hong Kong
逾期交收报告:unsettled order report
逾期加盖印花:late stamping
渔业贷款:fisheries loan
余额递减法:declining balance
于香港产生或得自香港的利润:profit arising in or derived from Hong Kong
有争议负债:disputed liabilities
有优先权的股份:preferred share
有意要约人:potential offeror
有意购买者:prospective buyer
有意参与投资计划的人士:prospective planholder
有形贸易帐:visible trade account
有形贸易逆差:visible trade deficit
有效责任解除:valid discharge
有效要约:standing offer
有效双边净额结算协议:valid bilateral netting arrangement
有效收益率:Effective Yield
有效商业登记证:valid business registration certificate
有效期限:period of validity
有效及现存的汇票:valid and subsisting bill
有效分行登记证:valid branch registration certificate
有效背书:valid endorsement
有限制股票:Restricted Stock
有限责任公司:The limited liability company
有限期的押记:terminable charge
有限量法定货币纸币:limited legal tender currency note
有限服务银行:limited service bank
有限法律责任;有限责任:limited liability
有息票债券:Coupon Bond
有条件买回条款:Provisional Call Feature
有条件背书;附条件背书;无追索权背书:qualified endorsement
有收益的职位:office of profit
有收益的受雇工作:employment of profit
有十足抵押:fully secured
有上限期权:Capped Option
有期债项:term debt