资金的时间价值:time value of capital
资金错配:funding mismatch
资格预审投标方式:prequalified tendering
资产周转率:assets turnover
资产重新配置:Asset Redeployment
资产与负债期限错配:maturity mismatching of assets and liabilities
资产隙:Asset Play
资产净值的增长:net assets increase
资产净值:net asset value
资产回报率:ROA(Return on Assets)
资产估值:valuation of assets
资产负债状况说明书:statement of affairs
资产负债结构:assets and liabilities structure
资产负债表以外融资:Off Balance Sheet Financing
资产负债表外的项目:off-balance-sheet item
资产负债表外的风险:off-balance-sheet exposure
资产负债表内的项目:on-balance-sheet item
资产分配基金:Asset Allocation Fund
资产抵押证券:Asset-Backed Security
资产偿付比率:Asset Coverage Ratio
资本总开支;非经常总开支:total capital expenditure
资本资产计价模型:Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
资本资产:the capital assets
资本帐:capital account
资本与负债比率;杠杆比率(认股权证):gearing ratio
资本外流;资金外流:outflow of capital
资本损失:capital losses
资本收益回报率:Return On Capital Gains
资本市值总额;市价总值:total market capitalization
资本市值;市价总值:market capitalization
资本票据:Capital Note
资本开支:Capital Expenditure
资本净值;资本净额:net capital
资本金基础:Capital Base
资本回报率:return rate of capital
资本化租赁:Capital Lease
资本充足率:capital adequacy
资本财货:Capital Goods
资本保证基金:Capital Guarantee Fund
酌情资助金:discretionary subvention
酌情权益:discretionary interest
酌情补助金:discretionary grant
准则数字:guideline figure
准则比率:guideline ratio
追踪基金:Tracker Fund
追踪股票:Tracking Stock
追收税款通知书:Notice for Recovery of Tax
追缴保证金通知;追补按金通知:margin call